Monday, October 26, 2009

Connecting with other Authors

When I started writing it was very much a solitary endeavour. Even though Antony has been with me from the start, he does the art and cover design and like me he does this locked away in his world. Only surfacing every now and then when hunger calls or perhaps a toilet break lures you from the computer. It was only last year that I met another author, I found it exhilarating being in the company of someone who actually knew where I was coming from.

I found it interesting how other authors approach different situations. What has been even better is the authors I have met through twitter, a diverse crowd of people who are all like minded and wonderfully talented. Some are serious some are funny, but they are all fascinating. I must say I have been lucky enough to communicate with a few by email and I have found them to be gracious and generous people who are also very supportive. I really don't feel so alone anymore when I write. I know I have the support of people I have never even met. Thanks everyone your a cool bunch, you know who you are. So don't hesitate If you are a writer, an artist, or whatever. Join the world community and be sociable it's nice not to be alone.


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