Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tax & Reflection

I have been sitting down today doing my personal taxes plus the taxes for the book; I have an appointment with the accountant tomorrow. When I did the tallying I found that as expected there were no profits and far more expenditure than I thought. I went around to visit my ailing mother after crunching the numbers and we discussed this, she said to me that I may not have banked a fortune or had broken even, but I have never seen you so happy.

God she's right! Just crunching numbers and doing the figures can be tough and depressing, but when I look back over the last year and think about the friendships I have made and the fun Anthony and I have had, the dollars spent mean nothing. What price happiness indeed. I would never have met some of the most wonderful people that are in my life now, had it not been for this book and for that, I'm truly grateful.

To Leigh, Maggie, Debbie, Kelly, Karen, Helen, Robin, Penny, & of course Anthony. Priceless!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kev, you're one of the few lucky people in this world who understands the true value of life - it's happiness and it is indeed priceless. Who could possibly want wealth and fame and unhappiness? Happiness also keeps you young and healthy. It's something everyone can strive for, but few people do - they're focused instead on the pursuit of the material. I'm with you - so long as I'm happy, nothing else matters.

    And ditto for me - if I had not embarked on my writing endeavours I would never have met you and Ant.

