I had just turned 33 yrs old & I confronted my demons, something I will address in future blogs. I realised that for most of my life I had been running on hurt, anger & hatred, all the wrong things. After losing all of that I felt extremely empty inside, I wished I hadn't done it. I was lost with no clear direction, it was so hard to concentrate on anything. I was walking around like a zombie, the emptiness was worse than the hurt I had been carrying.
It was at that time that we bought our first personal computer, quite decrepit by today's standards. I originally bought it to play the latest video games, but I was drawn to the word processing programs. I tinkered with them and started to write about myself. I wrote four pages, it wasn't specific nor did it name names. I have had comments that it was the saddest thing some people had ever read, but I needed to get it out. Once I did get that out the flood gates seemed to open and I had a need to start writing again. I started writing a story called, "Johnny Marsh Monster Hunter."
It was never meant to be a novel or anything, all it was ever going to be was a short story I could be proud of and perhaps get to read to kids if I got the chance. As I started writing the characters started to grow and so did the story it was incredible, I had never experienced a rush of creativity like this in my life. It was exhilarating and completely unexpected. The cloud that had been surrounding me was lifting and a path was now opening up in front of me a path I didn't think existed.
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