Monday, November 1, 2010

Are Writers Broken? Part 2

I'm a bit melancholy at the moment and I'm not sure why. It could be the fact that I have no work for a few weeks, thanks to the GFC. It could be life or it could be the ghosts of the past haunting me again/still. I asked a few months back if all writers were broken and do we to try and mend ourselves with the soothing caress of the written word? I know from personal experience that this is true of myself. I haven't written for a couple of weeks and this could have something to do with my current state of mind.

It does seem that writing is an outlet through which I funnel my steam. Writing this blog right now is lifting the clouds. I sat down tonight not knowing what I was going to put up on my blog wall, but knew I had to write something. I must say I'm glad I have this blog here. I know that very few people read it but it is a comfort knowing it's here. So to those of you who do read this thank you, and know that I'm battling my demon's just like you are. So I guess that answers part 2 of the question. Yep still broken.


  1. Chin up, Kev - you'll always overcome and everyone has their down days. You're happier when you're writing so put down that drill for a bit!


  2. Hi Kev,
    Hope that writing this Blog, will be the turning point for you. As Leigh says, Chin Up.
    We writers, all are broken but are so lucky we have those magic words to mend us. Pick up that pen and write. Love your stories...
    Cheers, Karen :))

  3. Thanks Leigh, I've been taking your advice. I'm on the writing medicine right now.

  4. Thanks Karen your support is always welcome.
